Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rich Golfer, Poor Golfer

There are roughly 10 million millionaires in America. The land of opportunity...I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, would you?. These millionaires have an interesting employer___, themselves! No one tells them they can't have a raise, no one telling them they are downsizing and that they need to look for another JOB.

The rich golfer can afford the finest in lessons, reading and watching materials, and all the benefits of being able to buy anything including a golf swing. The rich guy is also accustomed to having other people "do the work," for him.

There are things that money CAN'T buy...besides love. You can't hire someone to workout for you. AND... no matter how much you spend on golf lessons, or books, or any form of advice...You can't buy a golf swing any more than you can hire someone to eat for you or take a shower for you or do push-ups for you.

Most of the legendary golfers, Hogan, Snead, Nelson, Sarazen, Nicklaus, Trevino...and more came from humble/modest backgrounds. Some were dirt poor.

Not being able to afford golf lessons from the high profile instructor who adorns the cover of a mag rag, or have the loot to travel to Sand and Surf Golf School Resort ...IS A PLUS. Because_____ great golfers NEVER come from RICH BACKGROUNDS. Hogan said, "I dug my swing out of the dirt," Snead was a hillbilly from Virginia who couldn't afford golf shoes. Lee Buck Trevino was born in Dallas, Texas in poverty to parents of Mexican descent. His mother, Juanita Trevino, and grandfather, a gravedigger, raised Trevino. He never knew his father. At the age of five, Lee started working in the cotton fields. Trevino was introduced to the game of golf when his uncle gave him a few old golf balls and a rusty golf club. From this point on, Lee could not get enough. He spent most of his free time sneaking into nearby country clubs to practice his newly found activity. Poor Boy Lee won 29 times on the PGA Tour, including six majors!

So, if you don't drive a Rolls, wear a Rolex, belong at the Ritzy CC, or light your Havana Cigars with $1,000 dollar bills, you are among the "privileged set," with a real good chance of discovering how this game really works.

Jim McLellan
The Maverick

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